Little bits have been done to the coop, paint here, adding wire there, ect. Coming along, however slow, it's coming. Also, I have to admit it is a little daunting when I think about it. I have never really owned any type of farm animal. I have read many articles, blogs, books, publications on the subject but read and doing are very different. What if they all die? What if one gets sick? What if I have no idea what I am doing?
See, I need to get over it. Also I need to make friends with someone that owns chickens...
The front is a slow work in progress as well. I am focusing now on the small lawn I want, seeing as how the glads popped and are long gone. So I put my birthday present to good use. Oh, did I fail to mention my super sweet birthday gift from my dear husband?
Pretty sweet, huh?
Anywho, so I have been pulling up as many weeds as I can (that stupid Bermuda grass is totally lame) and hauling them out with my wheel barrow. After all that is gone (almost there!), we are (and when I say we, I mean Noah) then going to place some drainage, and sink a well. Over the well we plan to put a false/decorative well. I might turn it into a planter or a fountain, not sure yet.
Then we are going to spread some seed (yes, seed!) and keep at it until it takes.
We have painted the outside, it started off this horrible pepto pink color, but after a few coats, it ended up not being that bad. I know for a fact that the coop is going to be done sometime in the next three weeks. Then we are going to go pick out some birds!
Already! Lets go get them birds!!
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