Our chicks started laying!! Well only one of them at first. The top bird Joan, started laying, and Gretta was not too far behind! They are the ones that are the "alpha" if you will. They both compete for the top rung on the roosts and are always keeping the other girls in line.
So we have two birds that are laying a steady supply of one egg a day each. Blue, brown, blue brown alternating. It is exciting to get up in the morning and check the nesting boxes for eggs, and then again in the afternoon when the kids get home from school.
The chickens have all gotten so big, I think it is only a matter of time before they all start laying.
I hard boiled the first few and they tasted great! The yolk was a dark, almost orange color and the whites nice and firm.
Now that Joanie has been laying for a week or so, she has started to have an egg song. We heard this loud squawking coming from the run. It almost sounded like a goose honking! It was. so. loud. Then she goes into the coop and lays in the nesting box. Hmmmm. Google tells me that this is common, whew!
She didn't lay right away, but within an hour we had an egg!
So now when we hear that awful honk/squawk I get a little giddy because I know breakfast is on it's way!
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