So it has started....

*positions soapbox*

With the way the world is now, it is no wonder that I have been leaning more and more towards natural living.  The artificial ingredients and poorly made products in third world countries creates futile rage deep inside.  I felt like I was part of the problem by silently contributing to what is wrong with this world.  The lax regulations from the Regan administration started a snowball effect that has gotten out of hand.  Being a child of the 80's I could feel that tiny snowball behind me, gathering more momentum as it gathered more snow made up of greed and hidden agendas.  I do not want to sit idle by while my life is filled with consuming and anxiety and guilt.   And eventually that snowball is going to smack me right in the back of the head while I am distracted by the machine telling me to consume and collect debt and ingest ammonia soaked meat, genetically modified and chemically altered "food".  I plan to dodge that altogether. 

So here I am witnessing the downfall of our society to the top percent-ers running the show and I am not helpless.  Sure I can't stop it, but I can make efforts to not be a part of it.  If I remove myself from the machine I am no longer a cog, but my own.  Screw you guys, I do what I want!!!

*steps off soapbox*

First step was to move to a place that could offer the space to be able to live somewhat off the land.  We weren't going to sell all our possession and buy a lot up in the Alaskan wilderness with out anything but a hunting knife and duct tape.  No, we were going with baby steps.  SO not really living off the land, but you get the point ;)

This little one acre gem became available when we became available, it was kismet!

We began day dreaming immediately!  I would take over the front and install a nice shade tree with planter boxes sporting flowers and herbs.  Rosemary would be going along the slab pruned bush style so fragrant and functional!  The existing pomegranates would go nicely with the gladiolas I had planned for the front planters.  Night blooming Jasmine would go along the fence and a patch of green grass for the other side.  I could see it all now.

We had big plans for the back.  We knew we wanted chickens for sure.  In fact we had decided that a chicken coop would be the first thing done after we got everything moved and settled in.  We talked a lot about getting sheep and goats.  I wanted two sheep for their wool and goats for milk to make cheese and soap.  Mostly we focused on chickens with the plan to visit the idea of goats and sheep once we got the hang of chickens down.

When we moved in there was this corral that was right off the back patio that was installed by the last tenants.  We were told that she bred dogs and would keep them in there.  So sad!  The size was odd.  It was perfect for one pig, but too small for sheep or goats.  We didn't want a pig.  it was too small for the coop, we wanted to give them more space to run around and the coop would take up at least half the space.  Ah, well it would stay and we would find use for it later.  We went about scoping where the coop would go.  This spot too close.... this spot too far.... this space too sunny.  Hmmm.

We began plotting out where the garden would go.  There was much to do with the ground to get it ready.  We mowed down the brush and weeds and began a yard compost. 

So many projects.
Well for now, I must finish the semester and get the kids through the end of the school year.  The summer would be filled with hard work and rewarding benefits.  I spend my nights after the kids go to sleep, with a cup of warm tea sitting on my darkened porch listening to the sounds of the country and gazing up at the many stars.  It is so dark and quiet. No sirens, no screaming and yelling.  No neighbors five feet away drinking the night away screeching horrible karaoke and breaking beer bottles.  Peaceful serenity.  A horse whinnies and a peacock meows (is that what they do?) some dogs barking.  But that's it.  I breathe deep the cool air and exhale slowly.  The darkness envelopes me and I already feel at home.  This is it, right here.
I'm living


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