The chicken coop continued...

The rains stayed for not very long so the remainder of the wood was used to frame out a little bit more.  Grandpa (or Baba as he is called by his grandchildren)  came over to help out. 

The boys finished almost all the framing  and dreams of farm fresh eggs filled my brain as I watched the skeleton of  the coop from my kitchen window.

These wood slats were found on the trash heap left on the property from before we moved in, Noah figured they would work good as a chicken ramp to go down into chicken run.  It looks like it was made just for chicken claws, I have no idea what the original purpose was for it, but it is a chicken ramp now!

We could wait no longer for a sweet score and caved in buying 6 2X4's to add more to the coop.  After the nesting boxes were framed out it was decided that the plywood would be the next step.

cluck cluck

The beginning of June came with a heat wave and early on the first Sunday Baba came over with his van and they got 6 sheets of plywood to start.  The roof and half a floor later it was really coming together.  Some of the walls and nesting box would be piecemealed with the scraps and another run of plywood to finish it off.  The little hen house was strong and sturdy. 

We began talking about how we would transport the chickens.  "We're going to have to use the van or the suv..."  "Too bad we don't have that big dog crate anymore!"  and the like.  It was getting exciting, something we have talked about for years was very close to happening. 


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