Ameraucana Chick update! With Pictures

So far all 6 chicks are doing well, we are hoping to introduce 6 more to the broody hens to see if they will take them in, but for now here are the 6!

Broody mama is not happy when we look at her babies (...pssst, they are not really hers!)
Looks just like her "Mama"
I love these dark and light ones, I fear they are boys...
Love this yellow Easter Egger 

We had some rectangular "horse fence" mesh between the coop and the run and decided to add some chicken wire to keep the chicks in, this is how it worked out:

Don't worry!! she was fine - as I reached to help she easily backed out. I suppose it's chicken and not chick wire, luckily this is the fence between the run and the coop and not outside - hardware cloth is the next project. 


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