Chicken Coop

After acquiring a sweet score of $1 for a 8ft 2X4 back in early May, we (and when I say we, I mean Noah) started two of the sides of the chicken coop that weekend. 
Some plans purchased online proved to be too complicated and costly for the simple chicken coop that we had in mind and Noah decided that he would mostly wing it and took just a few of the design aspects from the plans and altered to fit our liking.  After talking out some design aspects, he was off and running.

This is how it all started, one side framed out on the ground waiting to be put up.  The other side was done as well and the window dry fitted to ensure proper fit.
The window was made by Noah using a random piece of glass that was found and framed out with scrap molding that was found in a trash heap on the property. 
 The weather had been heating up these last two weeks and the average temp was high 80's low 90's.  Summer seemed to be encroaching on Spring.  Back off summer, dang!  Wait your turn. So with the weather so nice, and such a lucky find on timber, it seemed as if the time was right to get at least the frame of the structure up and go from there. 

So two sides were completed with plans to get more done during the week.  Then the rain came!  Project put on hold for the next foreseeable future... at least until the wood dries out!


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