Better know a chicken

A few of the birds are starting to become easier to tell apart, so they are getting names!
Roll Call!!!

This big gal (who, I swear to Xenu, thought was going to turn out to be a rooster) stands out the most, with her alpha like mentality and flecks of white on her breast - I named Joan.  After one of my most favorite actresses; Joan Crawford.  (That chick didn't take no guff!)

The other Ameraucana (who, for what it's worth, lasted way longer then I had mentally predicted.  She was a little mangy and was definitely the runt of the group) is a little chatty.  She consistently vocalizes the most, and has a distinct bravado not unlike a vaudeville singer.  This little spitfire, I thought should be named Ethel.  Like Ethel Merman. 

Of the Barred Rocks, there is one that stands out.  She has more white then she does black and she is long and lean and the most skitterish of the four, hence the blurry pic.  Winny named her Chickafella.

One of the other barred rocks has a crooked crown, it kind of goes to one side then flips and goes to the other side.  We shall call her, Royal. (Crown Royal, get it?  See what we did there)

The other two Barred rocks are indistinguishable so for now they will remain nameless.  Unless we can find some way to tell them apart.  Maybe like a bell or something?  No, not a bell. Some string or an anklet maybe?


~(Chelsea)~ said...

Yay Chickens! <3

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